Saturday, August 16, 2008

Today i embarked an a quasi artistic adventure: snail mail! god. i love recieving things by post. i have the stamp collection to prove it. it's that stamp collection that motivated me to become pen pals with my friends that live far away. And since i have the place to myself this weekend, i thought i would concentrate on said adventure. Perhaps i will post pictures. or perhaps not.

if you'd like to be pen pals, comment, and i may send you my address.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

this post is a big ME party.

Wow. i've been so busy that i haven't had time to do this here blog thing. perhaps that's why my blogs never last...

Work at the frame shop has gotten harder and easier at the same time. Last week, we were doing at least 12 hour days...every day. but it was reorganizing the office and everything else and cleaning the hell out of the whole place. that was the hard part that i mentioned. the easier side of things is the fact that we are more organized. We can find stuff now. We know when stuff is supposed to go out (as in to the DAY. we weren't completely stupid, but we never knew the exact turn around time). And there's more space to work. it's just that much more enjoyable to work here.

And everyday i become that much more invested in the shop. i'm even reading small business books (i enjoy reading that much, that i'll read anything).


Lately, i've been concerned with me, myself, and i. not that i'm turning into a selfish crazy person, but i'm doing more things just for me. like today i gave myself a manicure (boring i know. note: i'm not girly girly. i did it because i was sick of seeing the dirt beneath my fingernails from working in a shop all day)
But it's been said that if you're good to yourself, you're even more good to the people around you. meh. let's see if that works.


My boyfriend is leaving in a week to go visit his sister for 5 days. i'll be in the shop all by myself (read: more of that me time i was talkin' 'bout). but it's going to be so weird. it's not that i'll simply keel over without him, but ever since i met him, i've seen him almost everyday at work, and we spend all our time together. it's one of those relationships that feels like years when it's obviously been considerably less. it will just feel awkward/boring/possibly lonely when he's not here. i bet for those five days my whole rhythm will be off. stupid WEAK relationship stuff! [shakes fist to the sky]


wow. and again, wow. i should like go back to like my livejournal and like go whine about how i'm not like, you know, like popular.

and with that i leave you with this:

our city hard at work. ha.

p.s. screw fixing capitalization!